Thanksgiving has given way to Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and the rush toward December Holidays, but gratitude has no reason to cease.
Can you count the number of times someone said “thank you” to you during your day? Do you hear those words from friends? At home?
How often do you tell someone else thank you? Do you say it genuinely or perfunctorily?
Expressing Thanks Can Change Things
A few years ago, there was a commercial on TV in which a person said something that could have been received negatively. Wisely realizing the error, the speaker replaced the negative comment with, “thank you,” then bells went off, and joy reigned.
While I can’t remember the product, I can tell you that the entire atmosphere and attitude of both people changed when appreciation was expressed.
The point is, most of us need to give a bit more appreciation to those around us and likewise would enjoy more gratitude from others. It doesn’t have to be that way.
Everyone Can Learn Both to be More Grateful and to Receive Gratitude
Leading researchers suggest multiple benefits exist for organizations that use mindfulness and appreciation as core values. Those positive results include productivity and stronger relationships. Companies such as Genentech and Charles Schwab have developed innovative programs on the subject. Pixar and Logitech also teach empowering gratitude practices. TED talks have been given on the topic, too.
Begin practicing appreciation now and pay attention to how your life changes. A little genuine thanks goes a long way. The smiles you get are worth it.
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Lingo is a full-service staffing firm dedicated to providing top quality services to its clients and its candidate pool. With extensive knowledge and experience in light industrial, administrative, and professional employment, Lingo encompasses the capabilities and resources necessary to help you get ahead.
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