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6 Must-Know Tips for Employee Safety During the Holidays

Excitement rises as the Holiday season approaches. Decorations make their way out of the attic, and office storage, people scurry around in search of the perfect gift for family, friends, and office Pollyannas, while folks plan for holiday festivities.
To say the Holidays are stressful is a gross understatement; consequently, the added stress and distractions pose safety threats in homes and in the workplace if essential safety measures are not in place.
The US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) reports that every holiday season 12,500 people receive treatment in hospital emergency rooms for falls, cuts, electric shocks, and burns due to incidents involving faulty holiday lights, dry Christmas trees, and other faulty decorations.
We urge business leaders to take time to review the following suggestions on how to keep your employees safe and still enjoy the season.
1. Exterior Safety
Falling on ice is a sure-fire way to send someone to the E.R. As an employer, it’s your duty to make sure that your office exterior, including walkways, parking lots, and entrances are free of any snow or ice.
Be proactive and think ahead; task members of your maintenance staff to be ready to take care of any shoveling and salting around your property.
2. Lighting
The soft glow of candlelight is magical but can cause fires in any setting. Instead, opt for fake flames and use electrical candles.
3. Ladders and Lifting 
Making employees aware of ladder and lifting protocols will prevent unnecessary back injuries, especially when it’s time to put the ornament at the top of the tree, hang lights, or rearrange furniture for the holiday party.
 4.Lights, Camera, Action
Electrical safety should have priority over winning the prize for the best light display in the building. Reflect on the 2002 comedy, Deck the Hall, when Danny DeVito and Matthew Broderick’s light competition led to a calamity of electrical fires and mishaps; something that wouldn’t be amusing if a fire were to occur in your office.
In fact, the National Fire Protection Association says that electrical distribution or lighting equipment starts 2 out of every 5 Christmas tree fires.

  • Perform your due diligence and check lights, decorations and extension cords for damage before use.
  • Electrical devices should not crow outlets; this can cause overheating and fires.
  • Place extension cords in low traffic areas or under furniture to prevent falls.

5. Food
During those delicious holiday meals, please take the following precautions.

  • Be diligent in hand washing
  • Serve prepared food on clean dishes
  • Keep hot foods hot (140*) and cold food cold (40*)

6. It’s Party Time
If your office party will serve alcohol, it’s essential to make transportation arrangements for guests who cannot drive, whether you hold the party at your office, someone’s home, a restaurant, or other location. Discourage coworkers and other guests from drinking and driving, which will also protect your business from potential legal liability.
Bottom line: You can provide an enjoyable holiday environment for your employees and keep them from harm with a few essential housekeeping items. Accidents will happen, but their occurrences rise during this festive time of year. You can easily side-step injuries by taking a few precautions.
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