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Excessive Absenteeism (A Sandwich Generation Issue)

Excessive absenteeism creates a negative impact on your business. A short-staffed business will cause low productivity, a downturn in employee morale, and an upswing in tension from increased workloads. Your business will not only see revenue streams sink but watch as your best employees head toward the exits. Ultimately, the company culture you’ve worked so hard to build will deteriorate.
You can win the battle, however, if your company policies and procedures align with your workforce. Preventing absenteeism requires leaders and managers need to access the needs of their primary asset – the workforce.
The New Workforce
You have a grasp of managing a multigenerational staff, but you now need to prepare for a unique twist with the “Sandwich Generation.”
This group is not just multi-generational; its diversity sets it apart from all others. The Sandwich Generation is a combination of workers between the ages of 30 and 60 years, who are taking care of children, aging parents, or both. They give real meaning to the word multi-tasker. Despite a vast age gap, they share a common thread; they need employers to set new policies that address their new, life-changing responsibilities.
Company leaders must act now to review current employee manuals and policies and make changes to accommodate today’s most prominent and growing workforce – the Sandwich Workforce.
What you can Do
Working while caregiving places a tremendous burden on workers. According to a Merrill Lynch report, “83% of sandwiched caregivers say they are struggling to find a balance between caregiving and other responsibilities.” You can help employees and increase your company’s production rate with a few policy changes.
1. Offer resources in geriatrics and childcare: Perhaps you could provide a knowledgeable source who is available via phone, in-person, or email to suggest resources to lighten the daily load of caregivers.
2. Personal/Flextime: When appropriate, offer personal days, flextime, part-time, and work-at-home arrangements to help employees not lose days at work.
3. Suggest FMLA (Federal Medical Leave Act): Although this is no-paid time off, it offers workers who need temporary extended time off without penalty or fear of losing their job. They can receive up to 12 weeks per year. By connecting with a staffing agency for support temp staff, your production isn’t hindered.
4. Child Care Benefits: Help with the financial burden of childcare by offering childcare subsidies and backup care. Some companies even have onsite childcare available.
Here’s the bottom line: Absenteeism can turn into a challenging problem for companies and workers. The Sandwich group needs help to fulfill their responsibilities at home and the office. By providing benefits specifically for these hard-working caregivers, you eliminate the costs of absenteeism, and your company gains respect in the community and from your workforce. It will help cultivate retention and reach business goals. It’s a “win-win” for everyone involved.
About Lingo Staffing
Lingo is a full-service staffing firm dedicated to providing top quality services to its clients and its candidate pool. With extensive knowledge and experience in light industrial, administrative, and professional employment, Lingo encompasses the capabilities and resources necessary to help you get ahead.
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