Learn The Lingo

Insights, tips and news for job seekers and employers

How to Find Top Talent in Today’s Economic Climate

There is good news and bad news on the employment and hiring front these days. The bad news is the economic outlook and record unemployment levels. But the good news is there are more people on the market looking for jobs. However, even with the larger talent pool due to COVID-19, clients are still struggling to get applicants. How can you find the best candidates in such a wide and deep talent pool? 

Finding Better Candidates in 2020  

Just a few short months ago, we had the exact opposite problem from today. In January 2020, top talent in healthcare, technology, and manufacturing was incredibly difficult to find. Today, the candidate pool is deeper, but light industrial firms still struggle to find candidates for their jobs. We have some tested techniques that can help you reach the right candidate for your company, no matter what the job market looks like:  

    • Write a better ad. It’s crazy, but a well-written, smart, and perhaps even humorous job ad could land you a top of the line candidate. Try going beyond a job description in your advertisement and consider writing about your culture. What’s a day in the life going to be like for your worker? Is this a temp position that could go full-time? Try writing the ad from the perspective of the candidate. Use a clear job title and give them a realistic sense of what the job duties will be, including the salary or pay range. 
    • Select the best job board to list on. Try tailoring your announcement to fit the job boards where your candidates are. You can select an industry-specific site or consider posting on a social media site like Facebook or LinkedIn.  
    • Consider investing in an applicant tracking system (ATS). These tools are fantastic for helping you build long-term relationships with top-tier candidates. It’s a tool used every day by firms like Lingo Staffing and the technology gives us a way to source, track, and hire the best talent. ATS platforms can automate labor-intensive tasks and also help you organize candidate documents and testing. 
    • Create a culture that attracts candidates and then share that environment with your target audience. Offer a solid wage and benefits package and paid time off and then put that information out there in your ads and on your website. Set up workplace amenities, snacks, coffee, and a nice break room where employees can get off their feet for a bit. 
    • Reach out to colleges and universities and actively recruit graduates or summer helpers from this candidate pool. Students are worried about paying their student loans and are looking for good, stable jobs that you’ll be able to provide. You can even partner with career services departments at these institutions to come in and talk about opportunities at your company. Consider advertising in college newspapers or on their website to reach better candidates for your business. 
    • Ask your employees for referrals. This is a tactic that’s easy to miss, but you’ll be surprised at how this simple effort could yield higher-quality candidates. 

Lingo Staffing Can Help You Find Top Talent

Finally, the best way for you to find top talent is to use a firm like Lingo Staffing. We’ve been building our networks for years and have a ready-made pool of top resources just standing by. Contact us today and see how we can help you achieve your hiring goals. 


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