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How to Improve Employee Retention During COVID-19

Even with unemployment benefits being less than what they were at the start of COVID, many employers are having tremendous trouble with candidate retention. A recent Harris Poll suggested that employees are still leaving, despite record-level unemployment. Workers are leaving for all the usual reasons, better offers, lack of advancement, low pay, and company culture. How can your organization improve retention even during a recession? 

Improving Worker Retention in Your Business

One trick for companies to consider is to make their place of business a destination for potential workers. You can do this by creating a strong brand and corporate culture. Establishing core values will help you find a better-quality candidate, but it will also help you retain workers longer. Your efforts to create an employee-centered brand could include:   

    • Creating a vision and values statement on your website. But this effort should also include sharing company values with workers and hiring to fit the kinds of values you believe in as a company. 
    • Creating videos that show what working in your business is like. It’s helpful to potential candidates to see what their daily life would be like in your company. That could attract more candidates. 
    • You could create content on your website that speaks to your core values. 

Once you’ve established your brand, or what your company stands for, you can promote these values internally. All of these efforts to build your company brand will promote a sense of pride in your workers and make your business stand out. This will help you retain more workers in the long-run. 

You can also retain workers longer by showing them that you care about the health of your employees. This is a big deal during the COVID-19 crisis. How you treat workers and the effort you make to keep them safe will show employees that you care about them and not just the job they’re doing. Your actions during a time of crisis could make the difference between a happy employee or a disgruntled worker looking to make a change. 

As part of these efforts, make sure you are communicating clearly and frequently with employees. Having strong communication between the company and its workers will help them understand executive-level decision-making. Explaining clearly why the company is undertaking an initiative will help you with buy-in at the worker level. It will also tell existing workers that they matter because you care enough to not just mandate things—instead, you’re making the effort to explain the “why” behind the organization’s activities. 

Focusing on the experience of your employees will help you retain more of them long-term. Everyone wants to have meaningful work, and they want to know that their employer cares about their well-being. If you can create company values that reflect this, and then follow-through on-the-ground by creating a positive work environment, you will retain employees longer, create a healthier workspace, and keep your workers satisfied.

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Lingo Staffing is in the business of helping you succeed. Talk to our team about placing a new employee in your business that will add value for the long haul.  


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