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The Importance of a Good Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance is still a goal for most employees and their employers. The phrase has cropped up repeatedly over the last several years and isn’t losing steam, particularly now when many employees are still remote, and their homes are their work. But even before this phenomenon, employers understood that a healthy work environment always starts with work/life balance. Employees understand that to avoid burnout in their job, they must find work/life balance. But how can they achieve work/life balance, and what happens if they can’t? 

What Happens Without Work-Life Balance?

For employers, if you fail to ensure work-life balance for your employers, you’ll likely have lower production and higher insurance claims. You may experience more worker’s compensation reportable incidents as fatigued employees make mistakes on-the-job that lead to safety infractions. When workers are stressed, there is a negative impact on the employer and the employee who may develop illnesses tied to chronic pressure and stress. Burnout workers are fatigued, irritable, and have lower productivity. Harvard Business Review says physical and psychological burnout in their workers costs employers $125 billion to $190 billion each year in the United States. Obviously, we aren’t doing a great job tackling the issue.

What Do Your Workers Feel About Work-Life Balance? 

A couple of years ago, Forbes had an interesting article that tracked workers by generation to find out what they felt about work-life balance. Here’s what they found: 

    •  Baby Boomers, born between 1945 and 1960, paid less attention to work-life balance overall. Over time, these workers moved into management roles, where today, 80% say they experience high levels of on-the-job stress.  
    • Gen Xers were born between 1961 and 1980. They are pro work-life balance because they witnessed first-hand the high levels of stress their parents regularly carried home with them. That’s why so many polls now show most Gen Xers and millennials are highly focused on finding work-life balance in their next job environment. 
    • Millennials are also anti-stress Born between 1981 and 2000, this population views work as just part of our culture. While these young workers are generally worried about their high student loans, they still insist on work-life balance as a requisite for taking a new job. 

Even though our workforces are multi-cultural and multi-generational, it seems they’ve come together in agreement on this one point. But how can employers respond to these concerns? 

Creating Work-Life Balance on the Job  

This is a tough question because employees will have different standards for what provides them with work-life balance. However, Forbes suggests there are a few common practices that employers can offer their employees to help them find this balance: 

    • Whenever possible, allow work flexibility. It’s tough to meet this goal in the light industrial industry, where productivity drivers are often tied to time limits. However, allowing workers comp time to deal with family issues or allowing work from home for clerical teams can provide a better working environment. 
    • The workplace environment should be one where workers have competitive pay, where culture is positive, and where working conditions allow upward mobility. 

We’re Here to Help You

Work-life balance is achievable. One of the ways you can promote work-life balance with your internal HR team is to provide them with support from Lingo Staffing. Our team can act as a crucial staffing resource that allows your HR department time to work on other projects. Talk with our team about how we can help your business. 


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