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Tips to Engage Your Staff During the Holidays

With the year-end holidays approaching, excitement rises as employees begin to make holiday plans. There’s shopping to do, meals to plan, and family gatherings to attend. Overwhelmed with seasonal tasks, your staff may lose sight of their job responsibilities unless managers find unique ways to redirect their focus.
Year-end signals increased customer demands, additional workloads, year-end goals, and reporting and juggling vacation schedules. Now more than ever, it’s crucial to keep your workers engaged if you want to meet your bottom line. Here are a few tips to help you during the holiday period.
Give Thanks
Feeling appreciated goes a long way, especially in the work environment. It’s essential to go the extra mile and find unique ways to thank your staff for their hard work and commitment. Instead of sending out a canned email, take the time to write personalized thank-you notes to your team, and strengthen bonds with your workforce.
Don’t be a Scrooge
Although the holidays can be stressful, it’s vital to keep in mind that all ages succumb to the excitement of the holidays.  You are more likely to engage your teams if you turn your work environment into one that is cheerful and merry. Some suggestions include,

  • Appoint a decorating committee to decorate the office
  • Have a secret Santa gift exchange
  • Host an ugly sweater contest
  • Have a potluck lunch with prizes

Offer Flex Time
During the holiday season, go a step further and offer flex time to your staff. Although this may be your busiest time of year, you should also recognize that the same is true for your staff. Help accommodate their additional responsibilities and chores during this time by offering flexible work schedules, and you will see productivity rise.
Effective Communication
Before the season begins, make sure you communicate holiday policies, vacation scheduling, and expectations. It will help thwart any unforeseen issues that may arise.

Giving Back
Invite your employees (without pressure, of course) to participate in charitable endeavors. Giving back provides a warm inner feeling of self-fulfillment while helping others. Some examples include:

  • Conducting a toy drive in your office
  • Sponsoring a family for the holidays
  • Allow time off for your staff to volunteer at their favorite charity

The holiday season can be stressful for businesses and staff alike. To survive the season successfully, recognize and appreciate your team, maintain communication concerning goals and expectations, provide flexible schedules, and create a cheerful, festive environment in which to work.
About Lingo Staffing
Lingo is a full-service staffing firm dedicated to providing top quality services to its clients and its candidate pool. With extensive knowledge and experience in light industrial, administrative, and professional employment, Lingo encompasses the capabilities and resources necessary to help you get ahead.
 Contact us at an office convenient to you and meet the experts. Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, North Carolina, and Georgia.

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