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The Importance of Strong Communication During Uncertain Times

Communication is always the number one goal for any company. Without it, deals aren’t sold, projects aren’t completed, and the organization breaks down into chaos. Since COVID-19, effective communication between employers and workers is more important than ever. Communicating that employees should stay remote or that the company is taking steps to keep you safe all help ease our minds during a nerve-wracking time, to say the least. But how can companies pull off effective communication when the times seem so uncertain? We have some tips. 

Improve Your Message

Anticipating the needs of your workers these days requires that you communicate clearly and frequently with your employees. In the early days of the pandemic, sharing important information about whether to come into work was critical. As employees returned to the worksite, sharing information on social distancing and mask-wearing became more important. During times of crisis, having a clear message to reassure employees while still communicating critical information is important to both the company image and worker peace of mind.   

Communicating in ways that are clear, short, and to the point but also kind, are great ways to let your employees know you care about their well-being. Frame your communications in a positive way, not negative, so that employees feel uplifted and not depressed. Share regular information to stay connected to your workers and keep them engaged. It’s a good idea to get into the habit of weekly or monthly communication with employees to keep the lines of discussion open during a time where there’s still a lot of uncertainty out there. 

Build trust with your workers by communicating how you’re making decisions. Let them know what’s going on behind the scenes and why you’re taking a particular course of action. This is a good idea even when there isn’t a crisis affecting your business. If you can tell employees the “why” of an initiative, you will encourage more engagement in your effort. It’s okay to create a human feeling for a corporate brand by sharing some of the challenges the company is facing and how it’s affecting the workforce or production or other areas of the business. 

Your efforts to communicate can also share your efforts to help employees during this crisis. If your company purchases masks for employees, share this information and let workers know you care about their safety. We’ve heard of companies purchasing cases of toilet paper when the supply ran low and providing it to their employees at no cost. We’ve also seen employers provide additional resources to workers, such as catering food for on-site essential help. The point is that these efforts communicate to front-line workers a sense that they are more than just a unit of production. You want your employees to understand you value them and you can do this by communicating a positive message clearly that says, “We are in this together and we care about you.” 

Call Us Today to See How We Can Help You 

Lingo Staffing cares about the companies we serve and the job candidates we work closely with. If you’re searching for a hiring partner to help you during difficult times, we are here to help. Contact us today.


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