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New Year, New Approach: 7 Tips to Staff Up for 2021

2020 taught us a lot of lessons, both good and bad. Many organizations ended up retooling their hiring strategies. Some companies let staff go, and others staffed up, but most of us dealt with some changes to the strategies that we set at the beginning of 2020. Remote work became the go-to normal for many of us as other companies shut their doors, at least for a time. HR teams and hiring professionals also changed how they conducted their business. What have we learned? Here are seven tips that you can apply to your efforts to staff up in the New Year.  

Hiring Tips for a New Year  

Tip 1: There are good candidates on the market.

Despite what you may have heard, the best candidates are still out there. Candidates haven’t been scared by the tight job market, and the ones that are unhappy in their current situation are still interested in speaking with you.  

Tip 2: Passive candidates will talk with you.

Even passive candidates, those workers who haven’t yet put their resume on the market, are interested in talking to hiring teams. Lingo Staffing talks to dozens of these candidates every day.  

Tip 3: The crisis created an opportunity.

It’s true. E-commerce companies boomed with orders. Warehouses and transportation companies ramped up. But it also created opportunities for staffing agencies to help these companies add workers as quickly as they can. With an influx of newly unemployed workers, hiring teams have a plethora of candidates to select from.   

Tip 4: Adjust your strategies to address the hiring freeze.

Many employees may be concerned about facing layoffs (again), and some job seekers may be worried about their long-term prospects at a company. Talk with the candidate about the economic impacts of the pandemic and how the company you’re hiring into is doing. Be honest about what’s next to help assuage the fears of candidates that have been “burned” by COVID this year.    

Tip 5: Work on your brand.  

Now is the time to work on your employer brand by increasing staff testimonials or posting about your company’s mission and values. Create videos of employees at work to show what the work environment is like. Post on social what your employees say about work. This effort doesn’t have to cost a bundle; using your existing employees to show why they like the job is really all you need to do to build your employer brand. 

Tip 6: Keep candidates in the loop.  

The most vulnerable time for new employees is between the offer letter and their first day on the job. Make sure you stay in touch with candidates throughout the interview and hiring process. Talk about what’s next in the process honestly and create a transparent approach to hiring for your candidates and new employees.  

Tip 7: Talk about the pandemic.  

Finally, address how your company is handling the pandemic. What will workers experience on the job? How will your company keep new workers safe? Is mask-wearing mandatory, and what kind of cleaning protocols do you have in place? Addressing these issues will assuage candidate worries about possible infection.   

We Can Help You With Your Staffing Needs This Year  

Though we’re looking at a changed world of work next year, following these seven tips will help keep your recruiting and hiring efforts moving forward. Another way to stay ahead of the hiring game is to speak with Lingo Staffing in 2021. We can help your organization find top talent.  

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